When talking about fundamental Human rights, we are talking about rights that are actually naturally available to every one of us, irrespective of our language, ethnicity, skin color, and so on. That is to say, they are inherent, and are made for everyone, and that every human being is entitled to it just because they are humans. 

In Nigeria, things are not really meant to move in the opposite direction. There is no society meant to face the back of the point, and there are good reasons for stating this. In fact, let it be emphasized that these rights are intentionally attached to our laws for very good reasons.

Generally, we, as not only Nigerians but humans, are meant to always take note of the fact that we are not on the same level with lower animals, but that we are actually better and sophisticated in all ramifications. Therefore, our society won’t become like theirs, but we will instead be above an animalistic way of life. With the recognition and the ensuring of the fundamental human rights of citizens of the country, it means we won’t have situations where the strong eliminates the weak with their greed without remorse.

Violation Of Human Rights In Nigeria

This issue is a very important one as far as the world body is concerned. In fact, long before now, countries from various parts of the world chose to assemble under the canopy of the General Assembly to agree with the recognition of fundamental human rights. As far as the declaration is concerned, it is meant to b a common standard which every individual must continue to enjoy irrespective of which part of the world they are living or dwelling. Additionally, it is expected that people should go on remembering these things and doing all that can be done to enlighten others around them. Part of the things attached to the Declaration is that it should be taught that everyone has these rights and freedoms, and most importantly, to be respected. 

Also, countries are meant to put in place reasonable progressive measures to see to it that the purpose will come to pass and won’t be hindered. It is not meant to merely be a paper thing, but that it should be actively adhered to, both in countries that are part of the Assembly and in territories under their watch (this is to ensure there won’t be anyone who won’t benefit from the Declaration) 

Here in the Nigerian constitution, the law provides for the following:

  • Right to life
  • Right to dignity of the human person
  • Right to personal liberty
  • Right to a fair hearing
  • Right to private and family life
  • Right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion
  • Right to freedom of expression and the press}}}
  • Right to peaceful assembly and association
  • Right to freedom of movement
  • Right to freedom from discrimination,
  • Right to acquire and own immovable property anywhere in Nigeria, for the purpose of protecting the rights and freedom of other persons.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of things wrong with the Nigerian system, and it keeps affecting the trend of things as far as the country is concerned, thus, leading to the violation of human rights in Nigeria. It is pretty unpleasant to note that even those meant to be custodians of the law has a lot of problems. Apart from the fact that many of them are used to breaking the law without remorse, some of them still experience situations where their own rights are also trampled upon.

For instance, it is not a new thing in the Nigerian system to hear about cases where police officers beat and disgrace even lawyers. So, it calls for attention, that if people who are ‘quite close to the law’ are manhandled and violated, what should become of the majority living in a society where there is no consequence for such breach of a citizen’s fundamental human rights.

Let it be stated here that the judicial sector exists in every society for very good reasons. This is actually the place where members of the society are expected to move to when they want to vent their anger and grievances overstuffs they are not pleased with. This is followed in line with the established provisions of various laws of the country (and it doesn’t contradict one another).

Nevertheless, even though the country also boasts of this critical sector, it is funny to note that many citizens of the country are still being denied appropriate justice where it matters. In fact, certain individuals boldly go on trampling on the rights of others without remorse, as they know full well that nothing will happen to them (just as if the law is not in existence in the first place) 

Actually, all can’t concern human rights violations should really be taken very seriously. We shouldn’t just stop at blaming the acts from the comfort of our homes but should join hands together actively to see to it that the law is heeded to. By so doing, we will make sure that the fundamental human rights of Nigerians won’t be violated expressly.  

One of the things we must note is that there are many people in this country who don’t even know about these rights. They seem not to know that the constitution made available these things for them.  It kind of add up, that since those the law is set to protect are not even aware of their fundamental human rights, then they won’t feel bad seeing it breached by mischievous folks. And so, what we have in Nigeria today is a huge number of people who keep embracing violation and are comfortable with it. 

Therefore, to reduce the rise in the increase of violations of fundamental human rights in Nigeria, our government must be responsible enough to take the lead. As they do that, they influence their relevant institutions to be bold enough to clash with folks (irrespective of who they are in the society) who will dare take steps to trample on the rights of others.

In fact, everyone must begin to respect the orders of the court, irrespective of their position in the country. If the court should order compensation to be awarded for the violation of someone’s fundamental human rights, such should be enforced without delay. A normal society is one where those not pleased in the society can feel protected by the law. The right society is one where those that break the law (their position notwithstanding) will face the anger of the law and will be prosecuted for their wrong actions (so others will avoid doing the same). 

It must be noted that a society that won’t fight human rights violations is moving towards a dangerous direction. It could bring up unpleasant experiences and destroy what some have fought to build in time past. 

In conclusion on the violation of human rights in Nigeria, our Government has a responsibility to ensure the rights of Nigerians will be secured and protected. The government must ensure the society becomes one where everyone becomes equal before the law. Additionally, enlightened citizens must play their role in terms of educating others about their rights. 


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