Check out the types Of Poverty Alleviation Programmes In Nigeria from 1960 to date. It is so unfortunate that despite being filled with countless lucrative natural resources, Nigeria is still filled with poverty. On a normal ground, the more resources a country has, the richer she should be. Of course, by exploiting some things like crude oil, Nigeria is making a huge amount of revenue each year. Unfortunately, there are two things that should get our attention here. The first one is the fact that despite all the huge money the government has been making over the years by selling crude oil, it is not reflecting on the well-being of the citizens. Additionally, Nigeria has not been tapping other sectors adequately to improve the lots of its citizens. 

However, it is apparent that the government is not comfortable with the high rate of poverty in the country, and obviously, one of the reasons for that will be because of the socioeconomic effects associated with things like this (including high-rate of crime, which affects even individuals in the government). Therefore, successive governments in the country have tried to bring up one type of poverty alleviation program or the other. Of course, everyone should know that these programs are not tackling the major things that can help strangle poverty in the country. No wonder, despite all of what they have been doing with their poverty alleviation programs, many Nigerians are still being hunted by poverty. 

Types Of Poverty Alleviation Programmes In Nigeria From 1960 To Date

  • 1. Operation Feed the Nation (OFN)

Going back to the lanes of history, we should remember that it was General Olusegun Obasanjo (when Baba was still a young military Head of State) that first, in 1979, decided to come up with an initiative to tackle poverty in the young country as at then, one of the latest poverty alleviations in Nigeria. What he did was to bring up the popular Operation Feed the Nation (OFN), with a major aim of improving food production.

What he felt was that if they can do all it takes to ensure an increase in food, food will then become cheap in the country, and the implication will be that Nigerians will be able to break out of the shackles of the poverty that hinders them from getting enough food that can get them healthy (he aimed at improving nutrition). Nevertheless, the program ended after some time when Shehu Shagari came on board. 

  • 2. Green Revolution 

When Shehu Shagari became president of Nigeria, he chose to put away Obasanjo’s program and came up with his own – which he tagged Green Revolution. His aim was also to ensure an increase in food production. Apparently, it was believed that poverty has a lot to do with hunger and that if the average citizen can be saved from lack of food, such will become ok (perhaps will have the ability to indulge in other productive stuff that can bring money) 

Unfortunately, the initiative was done away with as another government came into the scene. Of course, we should note that one of the general issues Nigeria has is the case where successive governments choose to ignore the great initiatives of their predecessors. So, when General Muhammadu Buhari became the country’s Head of State, he put an end to it in 1983.

  • 3. War Against Indiscipline and Corruption

Just as stated earlier, one of the reasons why it appears as if these poverty alleviation programs don’t yield good dividends is because they are usually ended abruptly. And so, when General Buhari came in, the killed the precious ones to start his own War Against Indiscipline and Corruption campaign. 

Apparently, Buhari has always believed that if corruption can be put away with, then poverty will die. 

  • 4. Peoples Bank, Nigerian Agricultural Land Development Authority and National Directorate of Employment

General Badamasi Babangida came into the scene back then in 1983, and he came up with his Peoples Bank. The regime felt that if they can offer entrepreneurs funds without issues, it will boost individual and national economies. So, Nigerians were being given cheap funds to achieve this aim. 

Asides this, IBB also brings about the Directorate of Foods Roads and Rural Infrastructure (DFRRI). What he hoped to achieve was to open up the rural areas through Federal road constructions. He also tried to provide basic amenities that will help improve Nigeria’s economy.

Along the lines, he developed the Nigerian Agricultural Land Development Authority (NALDA). The idea was that if we can do less of subsistence agriculture and embrace commercial farming, more wealth will be created. And so, with the initiative, Nigerian farmers were given the assistance they need (such as land with cheap farm inputs) to achieve this goal. 

Before Babangida was sent packing, he also established the National Directorate of Employment (NDE). One thing we should note that this program has been more relevant than many others that have existed in time past. 

  • 5. Family Economic Advancement Programme (FEAP).

With the arrival of Late Gen Sani Abacha to the seat of power, the Family Economic Advancement Programme (FEAP) was introduced to Nigerians. He tried to ensure the alleviation of poverty with this program too. His regime believed that if they can fund activities such as animal husbandry, soap making, Garri making, and poultry production, it will go a long way to eradicate the high-rate of poverty in the country. 

After his own initiative, there have been various other programs brought up by successive Nigerian governments to alleviate poverty. Some of them are:

  • 6. – National Poverty Eradication Program (NAPEP) 
  • 7. – Youth Empowerment Scheme (YES)
  • 8. – Rural Infrastructures Development Scheme (RIDS)
  • 9. – Social Welfare Services Scheme (SOWESS)
  • 10. – National Resources Development and Conservation Scheme (NRDCS)
  • 11. N-Power
  • 12. Sure-P

The government may have failed to establish relevant structures that can bring about wealth to citizens. The huge revenue the government generates should have been utilised to encourage the creation of mediums that generate wealth (which includes entrepreneurship – including an appropriate environment that breeds and encourages entrepreneurship, innovation – including the right education that breeds creative citizens, and so on). Nevertheless, since these things are not in place, then poverty appears to be inevitable. 

Hopefully, today’s government will begin taking actual steps that will reduce poverty in Nigeria as soon as possible. That’s all about the types Of Poverty Alleviation Programmes In Nigeria.


Tag: Types Of Poverty Alleviation Programmes In Nigeria From 1960 To Date, latest poverty alleviation in nigeria

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