Hi there, welcome to NaijaQuest and we bring you some specially selected top business opportunities in Nigeria, yeah, top 17 small scale business ideas in Nigeria 2019.

The economy of the country is a little down at this period and most major private companies has been restructuring, hope you understand what I mean
No matter how bad the economy is, some people will always have a profitable year, it depends on which side you are on. Either you are employed or not, it’s always advice-able to start your own business and this time might be the best period to start a business and get your hands wet.

Top 17 Small Scale Business Ideas in Nigeria 2019

Small Scale Business Ideas In Nigeria

Wait a minute Before you run off to start, take this 4 points to heart

  • Uniqueness
  • Relationship Building and Connection
  • Location
  • Branding
  • Advertisement

Now here is the list of our specially selected Top 20 small scale business ideas in Nigeria 2018, arranged in no special order

1. Catering Services

It’s no news that Nigerians loves to party, organize events and occasions. Catering services are always needed, and you can take advantage of that by providing exceptional services

2. Mobile Food Vending

Provision of mobile food and drinks at needed places at the right price

3. Computer Training Centre

We are not just in the age of Information Technology (IT), everything is being run by IT. The interesting thing is the staggering number of people that lack IT knowledge. There are so many market opportunities for you e.g Students leaving secondary school, or old ones in need of IT knowledge to keep up with their Work demand e.t.c

4. Mobile Phone Repair Center

Nigerians don’t just use mobile phones, they use multiple phones, feature phones, smartphones. Phones have gradually the most used gadget, dearest gadgets in most people’s lives.
Which creates a hugely growing market for phone repair and accessories
Key Point: Quality and branding will take you further

5. Transportation

Transportation business is always booming, depending on the side of the angle that caught your interest, probably from the side of higher purchase, driving it yourself or have someone to drive it for you, or cargo / haulage or uber, the list is endless

6. Bulk SMS Services

Bulk SMS Services is one of the cheapest and most profitable small scale business ideas in Nigeria that you can start in 2016. If all you have is your church or mosque congregation as your customer, you make profit, simple.

7. Animal feeds production

Most people are looking at agriculture as the business area to explore and save them from the lack of job and poor economy currently experienced in the country at the moment. You can take that as an opportunity, by Animal feeds that is cheaper and has quality.

  • 8, Building blocks production
  • 9, Ice cream production
  • 10, Natural Fruit Juice Production
  • 11, Photography and Videography
  • 12, Barbershop and hairdressing salon
  • 13, Car wash
  • 14, Video game Center
  • 15, Ice Block Production
  • 16, Laundry Service
  • 17, SEO Consultant

That’s it for Top 17 Small Scale Business Ideas in Nigeria 2019, share your thought and suggestion with us through the comment box and like us on facebook @ facebook.com/9jaquest

Tag: small scale business ideas in Nigeria, small-scale business ideas 2019

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