It is essential to know that in every planning man makes when it comes to building or erecting a structure for whatever reasons, one of the major or first things to put into consideration is the roof, so we are having a detailed post of the types and prices of roofing sheets in Nigeria. This is so because it is one of the essential things needed for a complete building or one of the things you must do before you start living in that erected building.

Roofing sheets come in different materials and prices also in size, we have different types of roofing sheet with different materials as material makeup, there are some that are made from Aluminum or Zinc and other materials which makes them varies in terms of efficiency, quality durability and price. You will wonder why some materials last longer than one another, all these are as a result of material makes and the higher the quality the higher the price.

Today we will be taking a look at different types of roofing sheets in Nigeria and their various prices, we may look at different qualities of these sheets likewise, sit back and let us roll on the voyage


As we have mentioned earlier, there are various types of roofing sheets in Nigeria, in terms of material makeup and qualities, but most importantly why we will be taking time to write on these sheets is for you to take your time to decide the quality of roof you will be getting for your building and as well think of the cost so as to make a balanced decision in process of your decision.

  • Stone-Coated Roofing Sheets:

First on the list is the most expensive and beautiful among them all. This type of roofing sheets are not commonly found in a rural area or old urban areas, they are found in government reserve area, new building in a very secluded and well-planned environment, government building, cooperate bodybuilding and many other sophisticated areas or building meant for high profile individuals. It is one most lasting among all the types of the roofing sheets it is made from steel. And also makes it beautiful by the coat of stones implanted on this sheet, these stones paints give the sheet strength to withstand the test of time, stay radiating and reduce the amount of temperature pass into the building. It will interest you to know this type of roofing sheet do not get rust and to be sincere, it is the costliest material for the 0.5mm cost about 3000naira. This sheet comes in different coat design and also in different size and thickness, to maintain this type of roof is not exorbitant, the issues of leaking of roof and rust do not occur.

  • Aluminium Roofing Sheets:

This type of roofing sheet is one of the sheets that are most order for, it is one f the most patronized sheet. They are not as strong as the stone coat sheets. They can stand the test of weather for over 50 years even without changing the roof it is also of great quality compared to other materials, but the major disadvantages seen in this roof is the noise and sound it makes while it is raining. Their rusting rate is not as fast as other roofing materials.

  • Fibre Britment Roofing Sheets:

This has once been in vogue that nearly everyone which to use this material for their house roof but due to economic upturn it has gone down in terms of market rate. This material cist 2,300 per square meter and he set up tile design cost about 3,500 nairas per square meter.

  • Swiss Roofing Sheets:

Come to most elegant and most expensive, this roofing sheet will be mention, it is not commonly found in Nigeria, it is hardly used because it is not a pocket-friendly type of roof. It makes your building looks stylish and looks cool and breathtaking. This material cost about 3000 to 4000 naira per square meter.

Outside of the fact that it proffers a covering to our building and shield from any form of weather imbalance, it is also important to know the beauty and touch of elegance some roof gives a building another thing we can write as the importance of this roof. It will interest you to know that it is one work and task to get a roofing sheet and it is another work select the right roof for your building when it comes to touch of beauty and pocket friendliness.

And when it comes to building materials both in cost and volume, roofing sheet materials cannot be underestimated, this was so because there is always a high demand for it especially in a nation where the building is erected every now and then. As a matter of fact, the brand of roofing sheet and types of roofing materials gotten in Nigeria today are at increasing rate compared to some years back where there are just few brand or types of roofing sheet. This case can be noticed in some buildings that were built like 10-0 years ago, they make use of virtually the same roofing sheet all because there are just a few brands in Nigeria as at then.



We have briefly look at the different types of roofing sheets prices in Nigeria and make a notable difference in this material and their likely cost in the market. But it is important to now due to change in currency value and fluctuation in the market the price may vary.

Tags: Roofing Sheets Prices In Nigeria

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