Details on Praying Mantis habitat, food, and mating facts – The Praying mantis has been one insect that has caught the media attention, this insect has proven to be beneficial to farmers and dangerous to humans although not that serious. Praying mantis has over 2,400 species and over 430 genera. This insect body structure is thin and can do lots of things, they have a triangular head and a neck that can rotate up to 180°, not all praying mantis has wings for flying but they are good predators as their legs are greatly enlarged and designs for catching prey. The closest relatives of the praying mantis are the termites and the cockroaches reason being made is that they are from the same family, but most times praying mantises are sometimes confused with stick insects reason being that because of their elongated body, insects like he’s are being confused to be praying mantis. Praying mantis do not live long as they live for just a year, they are known as ambush predators as they use their bulging eyes for seeing their prey. These insects are named praying mantis because of the way they stand, like a sculpture praying, in Ancient Greece and Egypt there were speculations that the mantises have supernatural powers, they were among the Insects most commonly kept as kept. This article will reveal to you Praying Mantis Habitat, their food, mating facts and so many other important details and facts which you need to know about the insects, why don’t you grab a cold drink and read below.

Praying Mantis Habitat, Food, And Facts

Praying mantis has bulgy eyes like that of a frog, they have a triangular head and mandibles which are attached to it. Apart from having that bulbous eyes, mantises are known to have three small simple eyes in addition and an antenna with a remarkably flexible neck that can rotate up to 180`. Praying mantis thorax comprises of a prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax in all species expect the genius mantoida, the prettiest of the praying mantis is very much flexible as it allows a wide range of movement, the movement takes place in the head and the forelimbs while the rest of you the body cannot really move. The legs of mantises are spiked and they are mostly used in hunting down their prey, in other insects, the coxa and trochanter which is a part of the leg combine to form a hidden part of the leg but in the case of the praying mantis, the coxa and trochanter both combing to form a component which is long as the femur. Mantises has two sets of wings which are narrow and leathery, they function as camouflage and as a shield for the hind wings which are clearer and more intricate. You should know that not all mantises have wings, some are longer than others so they are being categorized as long-winged, short-winged, wing and wingless. Don’t feel because some mantises are wingless, meaning they are of no use, they are still very much active in hunting their prey.

Do Praying Mantis Bite

The abdomen of praying mantises has 10 tergites, the abdomen is known to be slimmer in males than that of the females. Praying mantis tend to catch their prey during the day so they are often referred to as diurnal insects, because of their size, many believe the praying mantis can only kill insects smaller than them, now let me give you a shocking fact, praying mantis can kill insects three times their size, they are known to be good hunters as with the blink of an eye they can get their prey down with their bulbous eyes. Their compounds eyes which contain up to 10,000 Ommatidia, while a small area at the front of the fovea has a greater visual acuity than the rest. Below we will talk about the Praying mantis food, habitat, and their mating facts.

Praying Mantis Habitat

Praying mantis are generally found in different habitat, each species mostly has it own habitat where they love to stay. Praying mantis are located in Warmer regions in the tropical and subtropical environment. Most species of the praying mantis lives in the deserts, grasslands, and meadowlands. You should know that it’s not every season you can find the praying mantis, as they have specific time when they come out, most praying mantises comes out during the mid-fall which is during September and the first week of October, during that period, the females lay their eggs which will hatch in the springtime. In temperature climate areas, the mating season takes place in Autumn.

D0 Praying Mantis Eat And Drink?

Praying Mantis Food – Praying mantis are kept as pets at home, if taken care of properly, these insects can live up to a year. Mantises are good hunters as they are known to have a sharper vision in hunting their prey and good spiked legs. The praying mantis is a carnivorous insect which means it feeds on other animals, the praying mantis feed on insects like the crickets other bigger mantises feed on birds, flies, reptiles and so many others. Every living organism today survives with water, which means that definitely the praying mantis drinks. So many questions have been raised about what the praying mantis do eat, I believe this portion of this article has been able to answer your questions very well.

Do Praying Mantis Fly?

Seeing this question will make you laugh, although if you have read from the beginning of this article down, I guess you must have gotten the answer to your question. Not all species of praying mantis do fly, some of these Insects are the long-winged, short-winged, wing, wingless. Don’t be surprised when you see a praying mantis that does not fly.

Praying Mantis Mating Ritual Facts

One of the most popular questions you would come across today is how the praying mantis mates. These insects are known to have a funny mating ritual which is quite absurd. Well quickly read below. The male of the praying mantis leaps on top of the females back and then grasping her thorax and wing base with his forelegs going through this process successfully he forces his abdomen to bring out sperm which he deposits into a special chamber near the tip of the female abdomen. After this process the female starts laying eggs which is between 10 and 400 eggs, the eggs which are being laid by the females are depending on the species, there is a frothing mass produced by the glands in which the eggs are being deposited, the froth hardens and creates a protective coverings with the egg mass both is called an Ootheca. The Ootheca can be deposited on the ground, wrapped around a plant or even attached to a flat surface. These eggs which are kept properly are often preyed on, they are preyed on by parasitoid wasps, in some species, the mother guards the eggs till they hatch out. She positions herself on her back with her abdomen covering her egg capsule. Apart from mating with a male to breed, praying mantises have adopted other strategies like breeding pathogenetically while the ability to reproduce through parthenogenesis has also been recorded by two species of the praying mantis. You should know that during temperate climates, adults do not survive the winter and the eggs which are being layed by the females undergo a diapause. Hatching of the eggs takes 3-4 weeks for smaller species while the bigger species, hatching of the eggs takes 4-6 weeks and they undergo through three life stages, egg nymph, and adulthood. During the early stages, they look like ants, the nymphs are colored differently from the adults. As they turn to adults, they molt, they can molt up to 10 times before entering full adulthood.

Praying mantis are known to perform sexual cannibalism. Sexual cannibalism has been recorded in 90% of the females after mating with the males, they often get eaten by the females after mating. When growing up, males always outnumber the females but before they reach adulthood, the females must have eaten half of the male’s population as they have sex with them, although females selectively eat the smaller males. The females start off by biting off the males head, this is when mating has begun and even deposition of sperm becomes more vigorous. Researches have been made to know the reason for sexual Vanni, although no accurate facts, but it is known that females with low diet tend to eat off the males head during mating than females with high-quality diet, studies also shoe that hungry females attract fewer males than those that are well fed, while males that avoid cannibalism are very lucky as they mate with many females. All of these facts which are listed above have been researched thoroughly and also experiment have been carried out to prove that they are true, I guess this is part of their mating ritual.


In conclusion, praying mantis can be good pets if kept properly in the home, if they are being treated well and cared for. You should do well not to annoy them, as they can harm you. We believe this article has been helpful to all, we hope you find whatever you are looking for about praying mantis in here.

Tags: Praying Mantis Habitat, Food, and Mating Facts

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