The under listed addresses below are the locations of Lagos State post office.

  1. Along Akerele Road, Alhaji Salami Street, Surulere, Lagos State, Nigeria.
  2. No. 4 Iyana Isolo Road, 100 meters away from the standard chartered bank, Isolo, Lagos State, Nigeria.
  3. Bola Dala Street along Oshodi Road, Orile, Oshodi, Ikeja, Lagos State.
  4. 26 Akimi Oke street, Adeola Odeku Corner and Ologon Agbaje Street, Victoria Island, Eti-Osa Local Government, Lagos State, Nigeria.  
  5. In Yaba Lagos State, the post office is located in the commercial avenue, Sabo.


  • 234902995115,
  • 2349092995117,
  • 2349092995114 and
  • 234902995115

are the customer center contact numbers which the public can make use of to make inquiries and also to render their complaints.

The national postal system has a post office which is the office that provides the facility for customer service as its part. The type of customer care facility post offices provides are as follows;

  1. It provides post office boxes which is a special lockable box situated on the arena of any station in the post office. In some Africa countries like Kenya, to receive any mail, one has to rent a PO box which has been the primitive method since there is nothing like “door to door” mail delivery.
  2. Acceptance of parcels and letters.
  3. Packaging, the sale of postage stamps and stationery to the general public.

Apart from these primary services the post office provides as listed above, post offices in addition also provides these following services;

  1. Accepting and provision of government forms like applications of passport.
  2. Provision of some banking services such as money orders and saving accounts.
  3. Processing the government fees and services like road tax.

Still On Addresses Of Post Offices In Lagos Nigeria

Before the emergence of zipping and Postal codes, postal systems would transport items to a particular post office for delivery or receipt.

After the “Post Office Department” which was the department cabinet of the United States predecessor Postal service during the period of 1872 – 1971 and also was presided over by Postmaster General stopped to allow any names duplication station that was just within the state that had led to post offices renaming by the smaller communities during the century of nineteenth in United States.

Since the era of the 1650s, “post office” term has been utilized immediately after the private mail legalization service in the country called England in the year 1635. Post Roads inside posting houses which alternatively referred to as “post town”, that is between major cities post houses were often placed at all the few hours in the initial latest England. Vital correspondence traveled with no delay due to permission of Inns or Stables. {{{{“stations” is the post office name in the early years of America.}}}}    Aircraft, railways, and automobiles were the horse and Coach service that replaced “post house” term.

List Of Post Offices In Lagos And Address

Nowadays, “post office” often implies to postal facilities that provide customer care service.  The national Head Office of a postal service uses the term “General Post Office” though customer service is not provided by them inside the building. Delivery office or sorting office is the type of postal facility that is utilized especially for mail processing and this delivery office have a massive central area called “postal hall” or “sorting”. Mail exchanges is an integrated facility that combines airports or stations with the mail processing.


The early 2,400 BC witnessed the emergence of royal Couriers Corps who distribute the Egyptian Pharaohs Decrees and the service of Royal Couriers massively bypass just dissemination of Egyptian Pharaohs decrees as of then. The Swift Mounted Courier Service whose sources varies than when the practice was initiated was provided by posthouses of organized systems.

Along the Royal Road, there was an existence of Chapar Khaneh system by the Persian Empire period.  Chapar Khaneh system was founded in China and India nations by Han dynasties and Mauryan in the second century. The cursus publicus which was regularized Roman network was credited to Augustus by Svetonius.  

In the sixteenth century, Taxis and Princely House Thurn established daily mail service that was coming from Brussels which plays the role of Imperial Post of the Holy Roman Empire direction. The High Street located inside Sanquhav, Scotland is claimed to be the old-fashioned functioning post office in the globe by the British Postal Museum. This High Street postal office has been in operation steady since the year 1712, a period in which stagecoaches and horses were utilized just to deliver mail.

Unique postal censorship offices have been in existence in regions of Europe in order to censor and intercept mail. Cabinets noirs are the name of the post offices in France.


In some jurisdictions, post office boxes and mailboxes have been long utilized widespread for pickup and drop-off of small packages and mail when the offices have closed up for the day or when the post offices were outside. Pack station which is utilized for package delivery whether the delivery is for pickup or pick off or maybe for both was established by Deutsche post in the year 2001.

Automated Postal Centers (APCs) was installed in the United States Postal Service during the period of the 2000s in a diverse location both in retail locations and post offices. Acceptance of mail, postage of prints and small packages are the three services provided by Automated Postal Centers.



Conclusively, the postal service is the customer care facilities that have been in existence for a time immemorial which has been assisting in providing some vital functions like packaging, sale of postage stamps and stationery; accepting and provision of government forms like application of passport, provision of post office boxes, provision of some banking services such as money orders and saving accounts, processing the government fees and services like road tax and others. This address is not limiting the brand to just Lagos only but has branches in other states in Nigeria.

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