Largest Cities In Africa Top 10 List

Africa is one of the largest continents among the seven in the world and has many developing and underdeveloped countries.

Largest Cities In Africa Top 10 List

10. Capetown

Capetown is located in South Africa, It ranks third among the most populous area in South Africa.
Urban population: 933,688
Country: South Africa
Area: 400.28km square

9. Casablanca

Casablanca is the tenth largest and most populous city in the continent of Africa in Morocco,Located in North western part of the country on the Atlantic Ocean. Casablanca is known for its importance both economically and demographically since it’s morocco’s chief port and one of the Largest industrial centre.
Urban population: 3,359,818
Country: Morocco
Area: 387kmsquare

8. Abidjan
The most populous french speaking city in West Africa and third in the World next to Paris and Kinshasa. Abidjan is the Capital of Ivory Coast, has the 20% of the over all population of the country. The city is known by its high level of urbanization and industrialization.
Urban population: 4,400,000
Country: Ivory Coast
Area: 2119km square

7. Alenxandria
The second Largest city of Egypt, Located in the North central part of Egypt. The city has the largest sea port and it’s the country’s Window to the Mediterranean sea, Also known for its cultural attraction.
Urban population: 4,575,000
Country: Egypt
Area: 2,679km square

6. Dar es Salaam
The Capital of Tanzania, “Dar es Salaam” literally means “The residence of peace” is the Largest city of Tanzania and in Eastern Africa by population,the city is characterized. By its regional economic importance.
Urban population: 4,700,000
Country: Tanzania
Area: 1590.5km square

5. Mogadishu
Mogadishu is the largest and Capital of Somalia,Located in the Coastal region on the Indian Ocean.
Urban population: 5,845,000
Country: Somalia
Area: 1657kmsquare

6. Greater Johannesburg
South Africa largest city, located in Gauteng, The city is the wealthiest modern city in Africa whose growth was largely based initially on the discovery of gold.
Urban population: 7,550,000
Country: South Africa
Area: 1644.96kmsquare

3. Kinshasa Brazzaville
Kinsha is the Largest and Capital of Democratic Republic of the Conga,Located on the Congo River, The over all population of Kinshasa is over 11millions.
Urban population: 11,300,000
Country: Democratic Republic of Congo
Area: 1563.9kmsquare

2. Cairo
Cairo is the largest and capital city of Egypt and the Sixteenth Largest in the world,Located near the Nile Delta. Cairo has been characterized by the region political and cultural life.
Urban population: 1,520,000
Country: Egypt
Area: 6740kmsquare

Top 10 Largest Cities In Africa 2018

1. Lagos
Lagos is the Largest city in Africa by population located in Nigeria, Lagos is one of the most populous agglomeration and fastest growing cities in the world. The city is known as a Major financial centre in Africa,has one of the largest and busiest port in the continent of Africa since it situated on the Island.
Urban population: 21,000,000
Country: Nigeria
Area: 1,171.28kmsquare.

there you have it for “List of Top 10 Largest Cities In Africa” share your thought with us through the comment box and like us on facebook @ or follow us on twitter @ . Thanks


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tags: Largest Cities In Africa , largest city in Africa , Top 10 List

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