How To Stop Windows 10 Update, Disable Windows 10 Automatic Update

How To Stop Windows 10 Update, Disable Windows 10 Automatic Update

Since the release of Windows 10, it has received massive download and users are getting used to its improvement over the previous windows.

As much as one would like to dwell and talk on the favourable part of this latest windows release, there is a option that Microsoft left out and it is the ability of the windows ten users to decide when they would like to download updates or not. Microsoft made it to automatically download updates when available, which can be irritating sometimes.
This brought about the question how to stop Windows 10 Update from automatically download or from automatic update checks.
That exactly is the essence of this post, check the step by step procedures below and follow each step to disable the automatic update

Procedures and Step to Disable / Stop Windows 10 Auto Update

Click Start+R
Type gpedit.msc
You will see computer configuration
Then administrative templates
Find configure automatic update
Choose enable
You have 5 options
Select Option 5 ( Allow local admin to choose settings )
Then OK

Procedures and Step to Disable / Stop Windows 10 From Checking Update Automatically

Run gpedit.msc
Press enter
Computer configuration
Administrative template
All Settings
Double Click on configure automatic update
( You press c to go there quickly )
Choose disable
then click Ok

That’s it for “How To Stop Windows 10 Update, Disable Windows 10 Automatic Update”, share you thoughht with us through the comment box and like us on facebook @ or follow us on @ Thanks

Tagged: How To Stop Windows 10 Update, Disable Windows 10 Automatic Update

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