Exchange Rate Naira To Rupee : 1 INR To NGN

Exchange Rate Naira To Rupee : 1 INR To NGN { Scroll Down For The Updated Bank Rate Today }

Today, we would be pairing two currencies and see how they stand against each other. These two currencies, exchange rate Naira to Rupee . The Naira been specifically known as the Nigerian Naira while the Rupee in this case is the Indian Rupee. Nigeria and India are very important countries in their respective continent. Just as Nigeria need no introduction as a giant or more correctly one of the giants of Africa, India had been a major player in Asia. Not only in Asia, India is the second most populous country in the world with China as the first. Nigeria is also not left behind when we talk of population. Nigeria is the 7th most populous country in the world and the largest in Africa.

exchange rate naira to rupee 1 inr to ngn

There are some sort of business relationship between people in Nigeria and India and as such, it is important to note the exchange rate of the Nigerian Naira against the India Rupee.


The exchange listed here will be at the rate of Nigerian Banks, which are always fluctuating because of the instability of the market. Trust to always update this page with most current rupees to naira exchange rate { 1 INR to NGN }

Lowest and Highest Rupees To Naira Exchange Rate Last Week { 1 INR To NGN }

  • Official Rate – { 1 INR = 4.63 Nira }
  • GtBank -{ 1 INR = 4.90 Naira }- Lowest Rate

  • Stanbic IBTC Bank -{ 1 INR = 5.60 Naira }- 

For those interested in themoneyconverter and exchange rate, they are listed below, though if you are within Nigeria those rate below may not be applicable even though these two sources are reliable source of foreign exchange information online. Today’s exchange rates on XE and are listed below

1 NGN = 4.67 INR

5 NGN = 23.37 INR

10 NGN = 46.74 INR

50 NGN = 233.70 INR

100 NGN = 467.39 INR

500 NGN = 2336.96 INR

1000 NGN = 4673.92 INR


Naira is the official currency of the Federal Republic of Nigeria introduced on 1 January 1973 by the Nigerian Federal Government and having the Central Bank of Nigeria as it sole issuer. The currency is divided into 100 kobo. Some years back, coins were available but recently, only banknotes are in circulation.


The Indian Rupee is the official currency of the Republic of India and Bhutan. This currency is also used in Nepal and Zimbabwe. Aside these countries, the Indian Rupee is been used in other parts of the world though with a slight difference in the name of the currency.

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Tags: Rupee to Naira Exchange Rate Naira To Rupee , 1 INR To Ngn , 1 Ngn To INR 

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