The EFCC Ranks, Salary Structure and divisions have often been kept under wraps; which has prevented many able and able young men and women from joining this prestigious organization. It is common knowledge that this anti graft agency is quite lucrative – this is expected because they need to be well paid if they are to say no to corruption.

Whether or not that logic has proved true remains to be seen. However, what is very clear is that the EFCC is a very lucrative organization; besides, working with them gives one the opportunity to rub shoulders with the high and mighty of Nigerian society. Agents of the EFCC also get to travel around the country making investigations and seizures, and they can contribute to improving Nigeria as a country.

The EFCC is of course broken into divisions for optimum operability; division of labour has always been an important tenet of a successful organization.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) Salary & Payscale

EFCC Ranks

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) actually has three (3) major ranks, and they are:

  1. Detective Superintendent
  2. Detective Inspectorate
  3. Detective Assistant Cadres of the Cadets

It is necessary that you have a good idea of their responsibilities if you are aiming at getting into the system someday

EFCC Divisions

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has six (6) divisions. Actually, the organization is a pretty complex one (but we know why it has to be so). Well, here are the divisions:

  1. The Administrative Division
  2. The Capacity Development Division
  3. The Research and Publication Division
  4. The Networking and Collaboration Division
  5. The Certificate Courses Division and;
  6. The Cadets Division

Entry Level Staff Salary

Entry Level Staff of the EFCC are those who have just been recruited by the top anti graft agency. Entry Level Staff of the EFCC usually only stay in that position for the period of two years; after which they are usually promoted. As entry-level staff, the salary starts from ₦158,000. As mentioned above, this salary is fixed for about two years, after which it could be increased, especially if the person gets promoted.

Salary For Graduate Assistant

Having served the EFCC as a freshly recruited graduate employee for the period of 2 years (or there about) the employee is usually promoted to this position. A Graduate Assistant at the EFCC earns a minimum of ₦200,000 per month.

Senior Level Graduate Assistant Salary

A Senior Level Graduate Assistant is a position that can be attained after spending at least 10 years with the agency. As a senior-level graduate assistant, one should earn somewhere around ₦215,000 to N220,000 per month.

Agent Detective Superintendent Salary

An Agent Detective Superintendent may have spent 10 to 12 years with the anti-graft agency. Operatives at this position receive salaries of around ₦245,000 every month. This is where a person starts to become a senior level operative of the EFCC; this position is quite sensitive.

Agent Detective Superintendents are among those who lead raids on suspected locations where financial crimes are committed. Agent Detective Superintendents may also be assigned to investigate alleged criminal activity or suspicious movements. As mentioned above, this is a very sensitive position; one that requires plenty of discipline because the operatives are usually exposed to raw cash.

Entry-level Salary For Deputy Detective

Deputy Detectives of the EFCC typically earn at least ₦300,000 monthly. This is an upgrade to the Agent Detective Superintendents position which was listed above. Usually, one should have spent somewhere around 15 years in the service; although there are exceptions to the rule; for example; highly recommended officers who have served other branches of law enforcement could be placed in this position without having spent any time with the agency.

In this position, one could be sent to work undercover; infiltrating suspicious establishments. They may also be sent to covertly monitor political parties, and other such places where high volumes of money are moved around. This is a very sensitive position; one where the operative will come in contact bags of cash. He therefore needs to be very disciplined.

EFCC Salary For Detective

The Detective position in the EFCC is quite an important, sensitive, and top position. Interestingly, one should have spent around 9 years in this service, and there is no surprise seeing an operative in this rank after more than 15 years in service.

The salary of a Detective in the EFCC is around ₦300,000. There are many other allowances that come with this position; because the position is quite sensitive. Detectives can be sent on raids on private premises, as well as undercover jobs. Detectives also need to be very disciplined and loyal to the tenets of their job; this is because they will come in contact with cash, and with individuals who will attempt to corrupt them.

Structure Of The EFCC

The EFCC is not a military organization; it is best described as a corporate organization; or a hybrid of a paramilitary organization and a corporate body. Interestingly, the EFCC has a ranking structure like a paramilitary unit, but functions like a corporate body.

The ranking structure; is quite basic and simple. It is apparent that the structure is basically a system of seniority by virtue of how long the operative has spent with the agency. Some of the basic structures of the EFCC include:

Detective Superintendent

Detective Inspectorate

Detective Assistant Cadres of the Cadets

What To Know About The EFCC

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission in Nigeria (EFCC) is the special anti corruption agency founded in 2003 by the government of then President Olusegun Obasanjo. This agency was founded because there was a huge need in the country to do something about the rate of corruption in the country.

Financial Crimes in this context include money laundering, wire fraud, bank fraud committed by people working in the banking sector, money stolen by politicians, and money stolen by people working in public offices, ministries and so on. The EFCC is also charged with monitoring contracts awarded by government ministries and agencies.

The EFCC is charged with recovering these monies, and charging those complicit in these activities to court. The EFCC is a very well managed and well organized agency; one that plays an important role in the country.

The EFCC head office and administrative center is located in Abuja; while there are many regional offices scattered across the country.

Working with the EFCC gives one an opportunity to contribute towards the development of the country. It is a good way to use one’s skills, training, and abilities to do something beneficial for the Nigerian society.



The EFCC structure and salaries are laid out quite easily; ranking is mostly done in order of the years in service. However, in order for one to rise in this agency, and be given more responsibilities, one has to be vibrant, hardworking, committed, and also disciplined.

Furthermore, working with the EFCC could mean that one may be sent to any location within the country. One must be ready to serve the commission by reporting to distant locations when required.