Diamond Bank Airtime Recharge Code, How To Buy Airtime/Credit Recharge Card From Your Diamond Bank Account

Howdy friends, technology has brought a lot of convenience to us in order to make our daily life’s easy, more interesting and satisfying. Today’s post is on how to recharge anyone of MTN, GLO, 9Mobile or Airtel airtime from your diamond bank account instantly on your mobile phone at the convince of your home or anywhere you choose and at any time of the day. { Diamond Bank Airtime Recharge Code For Mtn Glo Airtel Etisalat }.


Please Note that we have 4 variations, which will be listed below

Also, for it to work, you have to dial the diamond airtime recharge code { ussd code } from the phone number you registered with your diamond account number

Diamond airtime recharge code, how to airtime/credit recharge card from your Diamond Bank account { Mtn, Glo, Airtel or Etisalat}

  •  Diamond bank USSD Code 2. Just dial *937*Amount# from your mobile. 3,000 Naira maximum limit applies
  • Diamond Bank USSD code 1 – simply dial *904*amount# from your mobile phone e.g *904*500# if its 500 naira recharge card you wish to load on your phone
  • Diamond Bank USSD code 2 simply dial *302*amount# from your mobile phone e.g *302*500#
  • For Diamond Yellow account holders only, simply *710*555*phone number*amount*pin#.

Hope it worked for you too


Diamond bank began as a private limited liability company in the year 1992, March 21st. in the year 2001, it became a universal bank. Diamond bank merited the classification as one of the 8 systematically important banks (SIBs) in Nigeria by CBN, this was because of the bank’s relevance to the banking sector and the entire economy.

Diamond bank has a total asset of N1.75 trillion on 31st December 2014. This made them occupy the 7th position in the list. When the IFC which is the International Finance Corporation desired a partnership with some Nigerian banks, Diamond bank was a credible partner as they helped to provide funding and technical support to local businesses.

Diamond bank is actually a Nigerian bank, the bank is owned by Pascal Dozie who is the MD/CEO of the bank. Diamond bank has been an aid to have started small before growing big into this. The bank is known as one of the best banks in Nigeria till date. The bank has a unique colour, a good structural design and others.

Diamond bank has been said to have partnered up with the MTN network to release the Diamond Yello Bank. This acct opening is actually meant for those using the MTN network, the acct is easy to use and not difficult to maintain. Diamond bank has shown us that the customers first term are actually a good way, the bank has placed its customer priority first and this has helped them moved from greater heights

Diamond bank has also different acct openings which are suitable for students, women like they have the Diamond Women, Diamond students and many others, they have designed their banking system in such a way that it is easier for anyone to bank with them regardless of their age. The bank is popularly called the student’s bank because many students find it easier to bank with Diamond bank.

Diamond bank has so many branches across the country, the bank is known for lots of partnership with different brands, including a recent one with the SMILE LTE network.

There are actually so many facts we do not know about the Diamond bank, I bet you when you start reading them here, you will find out that there is a lot you still do not know. below are some amazing facts about the bank

  1. In the year 2014, Diamond bank achieved gross earnings performance of N188 billion against the N165 billion.
  2. In the year 2013, stakeholders of Diamond bank approved some Usd750,000,000 capital raising programme. In 2014, the bank succeeds in raising about N50.4 billion byways of right issue. Doing this, the bank also attracted the interest of private equity investors.
  3. Diamond bank is one of the top 8 capitalized banks in Nigeria and accordingly has enhanced capacity to extend big-ticket transactions. This is not surprising as there were some facts to prove it. Diamond bank participated in some critical deals as Usd200 million Dangote Industries Fertilizers Plant/Refinery project, $200 million syndicated risk participation funding for the SMILE LTE Network expansion, $415 million first independent power Ltd for Rivers state and many more.
  4. Diamond bank is one of the banks which is growing using global strategy.
  5. In the year 2014, the shareholders of Diamond bank fund rose to the N206 billion from N188billion in the preceding year. This was able to lift coverage of estimated size of risky asset portfolio from 17% to 21%.
  6. Diamond bank has served in different countries like Togo, United Kingdom, Senegal, Benin, Cote d Ivoire and above all Nigeria where the bank came from. The diamond bank headquarters is in Lagos state Nigeria.
  7. In the year 2013, Diamond bank operates 240 branches in Nigeria, 20 branches in the Benin Republic, 2 branches in Senegal, 3 branches in Cote d Ivoire, 1 branch in Togo.
  8. In the year 2008, diamond bank was the first bank in Africa to be listed on the professional securities of London stock exchange.
  9. In the year 2005, diamond bank became a public limited company, this followed a private placement share offer which substantially rated the bank’s equity base.
  10. Diamond bank is known for its recognition worldwide for lots of participation and other things.

In conclusion, we now know a lot about diamond bank, some interesting facts which we all need to know.

There you have it for “Diamond Bank Airtime Recharge Code, How To Buy Airtime/Credit recharge card from Your Diamond Bank Account ” if you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to share it with us through the comment box and like us on facebook.com/9jaquest or follow us on twitter.com/NaijaQuest. Thanks


tags: diamond bank airtime recharge code, how to buy airtime/credit recharge card form your diamond bank account, Diamond bank airtime recharge code, diamond bank recharge code, Mtn Glo 9mobile etisalat airtel

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