Glo is one of the major national network providers in Nigeria and a substantial amount of users subscribe for internet services through their network. Nigerians use their phones and other devices to browse the internet and equally use different glo data plans in their every day online activities { How To Deactivate Glo Data Plan }.

There are several internet data bundles which are available on the GLO network, ranging for mobile devices such as phones and tablets, and product platforms such as Android subscription for Android, BIS for BlackBerry, Windows and IoS phones.
Sometimes, subscribers can get stuck while trying to subscribe to a new data plan when their existing subscription is expiring or about to. This is so, especially if the subscriber has activated the GLO auto-renewal feature. This enables automatic re-subscription of a current data plan when existing subscription expires, provided the user has enough credit on his / her phone to make the transaction. { How To Deactivate Glo Data Plan / Internet Bundle }

How To Deactivate Glo Data Plans

This feature is usually activated by GLO upon subscription to save her subscribers the stress of dialing codes upon every data expiration and re-subscription attempts. This feature sometimes becomes a nuisance especially when a subscriber is recharging his / her phone for voice calls or SMS but is instead, having his airtime automatically deducted for other the old internet subscription.

Subscribers are always frustrated when GLO dips it hands into their pockets and make them pay for a service they are not sure they want anymore, or want to continue using. There are several other reasons a subscriber may not want reactivate, which may range from wanting to change to another data plan or not wanting to subscribe on that SIM again. Such a subscriber will consider canceling such renewal features to avoid losing airtime he/she has used to recharge.

This is neccessary to enable GLO know that one do not want to renew his/her current data plan. The process of canceling such renewal features as mentioned above is easy.

How To Deactivate Glo Data Plan

Irrespective of the type of the phone used, platform for subscription or data plan a subscriber may be on, a single code is needed to deactivate both auto-renewal and non-auto renewal packages on the GLO network.

  • To cancel, simply text “CANCEL” without the quotation marks and send to 127. Make sure the code is dialled before the expiration a current GLO data plan. Sometimes, it is even advised to dial the code after making a subscription, this is needed to notify network service that the current data plan will not be renewed if it expires.

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