Are you curious to know the most top ten cleanest countries in the world and also know some certain things about these countries just take a view at the neatest nations in the globe as will be mentioned below and the Index Environment Performance each of them got?

Top 100 Cleanest Countries In The World

Details of the top 10 cities are below:

Cleanliness literally implies the state of being free from all forms of dirt and germs and also be clean. And also, the habit of maintaining and attaining that state. Cleanliness contributes to beauty and health and it can be achieved by cleaning.

There has been a rapid increase of pollution around our environment we reside in and work every day and it is very tedious to locate a location or place that is fully clean and very free from pollution in this globe. There are numerous nations that have described being lucky due to its aids in maintaining total cleanliness in its environment when compared to others in this globe though there is this general saying that there is no environment or a country that is totally free from pollution.

It is not only the duty of the government of any nation to be in charge of protecting its nation from pollution and also helping in leaving it clean; but also it is the responsibility or the duty of the country residents, that is the people living in that country to help in maintaining and keeping total cleanliness in the country in order to achieve healthy living in that place they are living.

Making a nation clean needs a reduction in the emissions of carbon, improvement in the size of the Green Area, Forests Protection, and then a reduction in the number of cars using in the given country.

Details On 10 Cleanest Nations In The World

Below are some of the ten cleanest countries around the globe;

1. Switzerland

The Environment Performance Index Score of Switzerland is 87.42% which is the highest score.  This country occupies the first position on the list of top ten as one of the cleanest nations in this world.  Switzerland takes the position as the best cleanest nation on the planet because numerous reasons which some of them are;

  • There is tasty and pure water in the country of Switzerland.
  •    Since the year 1815, there has not been a record of wars in Switzerland, thus its safety and peace also add the reason why it is the best nation in the world.
  •    There is a presence of fresh air.
  •    Switzerland has a peak quality of life, historic and natural attractions, and other characteristics.
  •    There is a low level of corruption.

It is also good to explain here that this nation called Switzerland is the most outrageous nation among the list of the top ten cleanest nations in the world to reside in.  Switzerland is indeed the best place to experience a clean life and also raise up children that are healthy.

2. Luxembourg

Luxembourg nation is the second country on the list of top ten cleanest countries on the planet with its Environment Performance Index Score that is at 83.29. Luxembourg is a wealthy nation that gives the people that are residing in it what they all need to live a peaceful and comfortable life which is made up of a very clean and healthy economy.  It’s per capita income is the second-highest Gross Domestic product; Switzerland has both the historical and natural sites that tourists find attractive around the globe.

3. Australia

On the list of the top ten cleanest countries around the globe, Australia is taking the third position with 82.4% as its Environment Performance Index Score. Australia country is ranked the first nation in the globe in terms of giving the quality of life that is considered to be the best that makes those people residing in the country to be well satisfied aside from being the third nation in the list of top ten cleanest countries in the world. In terms of the expectancy of high life it has, Australia is ranked the fourth nation on the globe. It has an overall population of 23,627,800 residents.

4. Singapore

Singapore is one of the Island nations that is situated in the southeast region of Asia and it is generally known as among the most and major relevant public hubs in the globe. It is among the globe’s five busied spots.  It is taking that fourth position due to the following reasons;

It has an excellent per capita income in terms of the Gross Domestic Product. That is, approximately $64,584 when estimated. But Singapore is among the countries in the world that practices inequalities in income.

5. Czech Republic

The Environment Performance Index Score gave this nation called the Czech Republic 81.47% which made it be the fifth nation on the globe. The Czech Republic has borders through other nations such as Austria and Germany that may have added to make the nation clean. The estimated overall population of the nation is 10,513,209 people.

6. Germany

Germany is the sixth cleanest nation in the globe with an Environment Performance Index Score of 80.47%. In the world today, Germany is one of the nations that is most visited by people which made it be ranked as the third most well-known migration destination after the two strongest or powerful nations in the globe that are Russian and the United States of America.

7. Spain

The kingdom of Spain as it is officially called as is the seventh nation in this world with 79.49% as its high Environment Performance. Aside from being ranked as the seventh cleanest country, it is also known for being among the most well-known destinations of tourists around the globe due to its historical and natural attractions that are endowed with.

8. Austria

78.32% is the Environment Performance Score Index which made Austria country to be one of the top ten cleanest nations in the globe, it is ranked the eighth cleanest nation in the globe. It is ranked also as one of the popular peaceful nations in the globe to reside in apart from being among the cleanest nations. It has a very powerful economy and diverse historical monuments which made it the best place to go.

9. Sweden

The Environment Performance Index Score gave me 78.09% which made it possible to take the ninth position on the list of the top ten cleanest nations in the world. Aside from this, this nation called Sweden has ranked also as one of the wealthiest nations on the planet due to its strong economy and natural resources making its residents part of the happiest people around the globe.

10. Norway

Norway is occupying the position of the tenth on the list of the top ten cleanest nations in the globe because the Environment Performance Score index gave it 78.04%. It is a nation that is well known for its heritage that is naturally endowed. Among the other nations that make you the top ten cleanest nations on the planet, Norway stands out as the nation that is overpopulated.



Since cleanliness is next to godliness, it is important to note here that it is the duty of everyone residing in any nation to aid in maintaining and keeping a healthy environment by making it clean.

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