Agricultural extension is simply the application and implementation of scientific research as well as enhanced knowledge to agricultural practices via farmer enlightenment.

We should note however that the sector of ‘extension’ now comprises a broader range of communication as well as educational activities put in place for rural people. This is undertaken by learned individuals from diverse fields such as agriculture, health, agricultural marketing, etc.

Agricultural Extension Programmes And Services In Nigeria

1. Agrices Nigeria

They offer farmers the tools for producing more food. This is done via appropriate scientific research & technology. They make use of several agricultural extension services by providing programmes in secondary school to set young people on the path of agriculture.

Address: 102, 2nd floor, Oyemekun Road, Opposite Oyemekun Grammar School, Akure, Ondo State Nigeria

2. Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria

They offer an opportunity for extension professionals to work together towards ensuring the enhancement and practice of agricultural extension in the country.

Address: Agricultural & Rural Management Training Institute, Ilorin, Kwara State Nigeria

3. Contec Global Agro Limited

They promote agricultural research and extension activities (including bio-seeds and fertilizer production) meant to help farmers to make more money

Address: 7, Victoria Falls, Maitama, Abuja FCT Nigeria

4. Nigerian Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services

It was established to act as a platform that will promote market-oriented and ICT-driven agricultural extension and advisory service in Nigeria.

Address: NIFAAS, Abuja, FCT Nigeria

5. Agribiz Concepts Enterprise

Meant to offer business support, agricultural information, and extension services to farmers in the country. Additionally, they aim at promoting agriculture via development and economic growth programmes.

Address: 120 Parliamentary Road, Calabar, Cross River State Nigeria

6. Agricultural and Rural Management Training Institute

ARMTI has the responsibility of offering management training as well as consultancy and advisory services. Aside from disseminating management information, they also conduct applied management research, as well as special and diagnostic studies. The Institute contributes to policy development, meant to enhance better management of the agricultural and rural sectors in the country.


7. Country Fora (CF) 

They assemble together a large combination of stakeholders who are participating (or benefitting) from rural advisory services in a country. They offer a mechanism for these participants (as well as farmers) to exchange information, identify opportunities, and so on.

Here are some other well-known systems, organisations, and services that have been around for some time, playing different roles as far as agricultural extension programmes in Nigeria is concerned:

  1. Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources
  2. Abia State Agricultural Development Programme
  3. EDO Agricultural Development Programme
  4. Enugu State A.O.P.
  5. Public Research Institution with Extension Unit
  6. Rubber Research Institute
  7. National Agricultural Extension Research & Liaison Services, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
  8. Leventis Foundation
  9. Nigerian Tobacco Company
  10. Shell Petroleum Development Company
  11. Bayero University
  12. University of Illorin
  13. Adamawa State University

Agricultural Extension In Nigeria 

Extension practitioners can be found in different parts of Nigeria, and are represented by various professional organizations and networks.

There are some agricultural extension agencies in countries like ours that are getting huge support from well-known global development organizations like the World Bank.

Nigeria is a country with over 70 per cent of the land available for agriculture. It should be noted that this includes both crops and livestock, although a large chunk of the available land is being utilized for crop production.

The role of agriculture in the country’s economy has changed over time, as has support to extension and advisory services. The Nigeria of today is battling economic recession as a result of its full dependence on crude oil.

It should, however, be noted that as far as governance structures and the policy environment for an extension is concerned, the country can boast of impressive infrastructure for agricultural extension.

In each state, there are extension offices or Agricultural Development Programs. There are also numerous agricultural research institutions as well as extensive training programs. Actually, a large chunk of the structures was founded with World Bank resources in the 1980s. Unfortunately, since funding is no longer forthcoming (as well as lack of adequate coordination), things are no longer the way they used to be. However, we should talk about the contribution of the private sector. In fact, one of the biggest public-private partnerships on the extension in the country to date is the Anchor Borrowers Programme. This was launched by the country’s apex bank – the Central Bank of Nigeria.

All You Need to Know About Agricultural Extensions

  1. Agricultural extension is also known as agricultural advisory services
  2. It plays a big role as far as boosting agricultural productivity is concerned. Therefore, a country serious about agricultural productivity will place great value on such.
  3. The agricultural extension can increase food security in a territory. Of course, irrespective of the state of one’s economy, one thing that should be constantly worked towards is food security, to prevent hunger and starvation.
  4. Agricultural extension programmes can also improve rural livelihoods. Many rural communities simply need more enlightenment to produce enhanced results
  5. It promotes agriculture as an engine of pro-poor economic growth.
  6. Taking about rural producers again, they can definitely enjoy important support services that will help them overcome new challenges that will come their way. Some of these are issues that have to do with food safety, getting their products transported to places they are needed, constraints poised by health challenges like HIV/AIDS, and so on.

In conclusion, it is for everyone’s advantage if these programmes and services are given more priority in Nigeria, as there is more gold the country is yet to cultivate from the agricultural sector. That’s all on the list of agricultural extension programmes in Nigeria.
