The Most Powerful Women in Africa

The Most Powerful Women in Africa

From Forbes last list of 100 most powerful women in the world and 3 africans make the list, as the most powerful women in africa, 2 from Nigeria and the last person from liberia;

No 1, in Africa and No 48 on Forbes list Ngozi Okonjo Iweala Minister of Finance, Nigeria 

Age: 60 Residence: Abuja, Nigeria
Citizenship: Nigeria Marital
Status: Married Children: 4
Education : Bachelor of Arts / Science, Harvard
University; Doctorate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the minister of finance for Nigeria is credited with developing reform programs that helped improve governmental transparency and stabilizing the economy. Okonjo-Iweala is the first woman to be the finance minister and the foreign minister of the West African country with a GDP of $502 billion. The Harvard- and M.I.T.-trained Okonjo-Iweala spent 21 years as a development economist at the World Bank.

Alakija in Our List OfMost Powerful Women In Africa

No 2, in Africa and No 87 on forbes list Folorunsho Alakija

Real Time Net Worth As of 5/29/15 $2.1 Billion
Age 64
Source Of Wealth: Oil, Self Made
Residence: Lagos, Nigeria Citizenship: Nigeria
Marital Status: Married Children: 4 The richest self-made woman in Africa and one of just two female billionaires on the continent. Folorunsho Alakija’s first company was an upscale fashion label that catered to Nigeria’s elite, including the wife of the former military president, Ibrahim Babangida. This connection paid off: the president later gave Alakija’s company a prospecting license for one of the most lucrative oil fields in Nigeria. The drop in oil prices has dented the fortune of Alakija, one of just two women billionaires in Africa. { among the Most Powerful Women In Africa }

No 3 in Africa and No 96 on forbes list Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf

President, Liberia
Age 76 Residence Monrovia, Liberia.
Citizenship: Liberia
Marital Status: Divorced
Children: 4
Education: Master, Harvard University; Bachelor of Arts / Science, Madison Business College.

The devastating Ebola outbreak that ravaged West Africa has made the last year one of the most trying of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s nine as president. More than 10,000 Liberians were infected and 4,500 died ? more than any other nation. Against all odds Liberia turned the situation around, achieving its goal of zero cases by April and becoming the first nation to wipe out the disease a year after recording its first case.

4. Isabel Dos Santos

Current Richest Woman in Africa
Though not on the list as the time of the last release of Forbes richest women in the world , we strongly believe the richest women in Africa and daughter of the Angola president Jose Eduado Dos Santos will be in the next and automatically among the list of the most powerful women in Africa

There you have it on the most powerful women in Africa “, share your thoughts and suggestions with us through the comment box and like us on facebook @ or follow us on twitter @ Thanks


Tags: The most powerful women in Africa , forbes most powerful women in the world

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