Talking about the basic rights of Nigerian citizens, you should know that the fundamental human rights in Nigeria is a wide topic for everyone, these are rights which every citizen has to enjoy in a particular country; every citizen in a country has access to human rights, human right is essential for every citizen to enjoy without fear of the government or any other person.  Human rights are said to be rights which are earned by man, they are not rights which are been given to man by man, the rights are needed for the happiness of man as they are in existence. No one should be denied human rights as it is very necessary, everyone needs it. You should know that this article will be very helpful to you, so we will do our best in making sure to give you every detail which is needed.

Rights Of Nigeria Citizens

Many are being confused and do not know their rights, as a citizen you are expected to know your rights at least the fundamental rights should be known, the Nigerian constitution also talks about the fundamental human rights (chapter IV of the constitution). Every citizen is entitled to a lot of things which will be talked about in this article. Apart from the primary focus of this article, there are several limitations in that aspect which we will also be discussing, you should know about the limitations of fundamental human rights in Nigeria which is very necessary and very important to every citizen.

Fundamental Human Rights In Nigeria

  • Right To Personal Liberty

Having the right to personal liberty is one thing of such that should be given to every citizen. As a citizen, you are entitled to your freedom and your personal liberty in accordance with the law except in special cases. It is your right to move or do whatever you want with your life, this does not affect anyone or concerns, anyone, as it is stated in the constitution, you are free to move around because you own yourself. As a citizen you cannot be arrested anyhow without any legal justification from anyone, no one can just come and arrest you for no reason. Right to personal liberty also involves you as a citizen to acquire knowledge at your own will, anywhere of your choice, freedom to practice your own act of worship or any religion, freedom to associate with anyone of your choice. You have the right to get married, establish a home, raise children as those are the basic rights of humans and this is what makes a man happy. If you take a look at the Nigeria system today, you will know that many rights have been abused, with the unlawful arrest of individuals either by the police or the Drug Enforcement Agency, many are in the prison for crimes which they did not commit, as due proper investigation was not done. All of these are violations of human rights, you should know that when a police arrest someone, they are to transfer the case files to the responsible arms which are in charge of that type of case but in most cases many are not done that way, some are being kept there for a long period of time without even knowing if they are going to be let out or not, this is the violation of human right according to the Nigerian constitution and the Right to personal liberty has been broken. You as citizens have a major role to play in this, as it is essential that you know your rights, so you won’t be trampled upon by anyone.

  • Right To Life

This is one of the most popular human rights being talked about daily and the first which we believe is in the constitution. Human life is very important; no one shall be intentionally deprived of his life. Violation of a person’s life is an abuse to the individual, you should know that only when there are few exceptions to this;  a life can only be taken for the defense of person from any violence which you know is unlawful and also the defense of property, another situation where a life can be taken is the aspect of the use of force in a loss of life and which deemed necessary and it must also be permitted by the law, a life can also be taken in the passing of a death sentence at court which an individual must have committed a serious crime and have been arrested and only a judge is able to pass a death sentence. the above issues which have been mentioned, aside from the fact that any threat to human life is abuse and you can get arrested for that, so we urge everyone to be careful.

  • Right To Dignity Of Human Person

The constitution talks about dignity, everyone is entitled to good treatment and respect, no matter the position that he or she holds. Inhuman treatment and lack of respect to an individual show that you are abusing the human rights of that person.  In the case of law enforcement treating people with lack of respect and maltreating them because they have the power to do so, is a lack of human right. Many cases have come up about this issue which is being looked into.

  • Right To Freedom Of Thought, Conscience, And Religion

Many rights are being abused daily, as a citizen of Nigeria you have the freedom of thoughts, conscience, and religion. You have the freedom to serve or worship any God which you feel is suitable for you or which you believe in their faith. You should know that no one has the right to stop you from doing that, anyone who tries stopping you is trying to abuse your rights. Any religious groups is entitled to build schools for their members, places of worship, no one should force anyone to worship in any other religion as it is an abuse of human right.

Limitations of Fundamental Human Rights in Nigeria
  • Right To Freedom Of Movement

Every citizen is entitled to freedom of movement. As a citizen except laws are being made that there is a curfew or there are some restrictions to some places, you are entitled to move to wherever you like. Another exception to this law is the aspect of the environmental sanitation which holds at a specific day for every state, then you should know that you have to stay indoors, apart from the above which have been mentioned you should know that every citizen has right to movement.

  • Right To Acquire And Own Property In Nigeria

Every citizen has the right to acquire and own property in Nigeria, you should know that you have the right to own a car, own a house or any property of your choice, as long as you use your money to acquire them, you should know that they are yours.

  • Right To Freedom Of Expression

Every citizen has the right to freedom of expression anywhere. You have the right to speak your mind and no one has the right to harm you because of that. There have been several cases on social media, where some rights have been abused, many have been using abusive words on others because of their opinions, you should know that this is an abuse on their right.

Limitations Of Fundamental Human Rights In Nigeria

There are several limitations to human rights; human rights are known as the basic rights which are needed for all humans to survive. You should know that these rights also come with limitations, the limitations are also known as restrictions to the rights which are in the law and constitution, below we will be listing various limitations so that you can have full information about it.

Right to Life: The right to life has basic exceptions, you should know that life can be taken and you will not still be charged only when you are defending yourself. This is known as the case of self-defense, a life can also be taken through the use of force and this can only be done by the armed forces when an offender is committing a crime, another scenario is the case of when a judge passes a death sentence on an individual and this is done when he has committed a serious crime and offense.

Right to Freedom of Movement: There are several exceptions or should we say limitations to this right, the limitations can be when either when there is a curfew or you have to stay indoors because of the environment which holds on a particular Saturday or any other fixed day by the government.

In Conclusion, we have given you information about the fundamental human rights and their limitations, and other information which you need to know. You should know that human rights are meant to be obeyed and no one should be abused because of that, people’s opinion should be respected on any issue and they should have the freedom to do whatever they want.


In Conclusion, we have given you information about the fundamental human rights and their limitations, and other information which you need to know. You should know that human rights are meant to be obeyed and no one should be abused because of that, people’s opinion should be respected on any issue and they should have the freedom to do whatever they want.

Tags: Limitations Of Fundamental Human Rights in Nigeria, Rights Of Nigeria Citizens

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