₦ 1000 NAIRA NOTE – Pictures, Interesting Facts & Name Of The Face On One Thousand Naira

Positioned in the inner corner of the Gulf of Guinea, on the west coast of Africa stands tall a very beautiful nation called Nigeria. Nigeria is bordered in the North by Niger, on the West by the Benin Republic, on the East by Cameroon and on the South by the Atlantic Ocean. Nigeria got her name from River Niger and gained independence on 1st October 1960. { ₦ 1000 Naira Note }.

Nigerians are hardworking, religious, inquisitive, beautiful and happy people. We are diverse in culture and tradition but one thing we have in common is the four letter word called LOVE. Love for Ourself, Our family, Our neighbors and mostly especially Our beautiful Naria.

1000 Naira Note Front

The Naria is printed by the Nigerian Security Printing and minting company and issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria.The Naria which is represented by the symbol (₦) is the official currency of Nigeria.

There are Eight currencies in the  Nigeria economy and the one Nigerians cherish the most is the highest, the ₦ 1000 naira note. Even a Nigerian baby who can’t read or write will pick a ₦ 1000 naira note over a ₦5 note.

I once visited a friend who’s wife just put to birth a beautiful baby girl. I was having only ₦1050 on me, as I was about to live I decided to play with the baby. I brought the ₦50 note and ₦1000 note and I jokingly told the little baby to choose anyone, to my amazement the baby firmly gripped the ₦ 1000 naira note in the presence of I and her parents. I had no option but to leave the money with her and I left the house with a fake smile knowing I was going to trek home under the scorching sun.

We utilize the naira every day but its quite alarming a lot of us don’t know much about it.  A friend once shared a story with me about how she lost a multi-million naira job just because she couldn’t mention the name of the great Nigerians on the ₦1000 note, Funny right? But it is no joke, it took her weeks before she could recover from that embarrassing heartbreak. You might be wondering why I used the word embarrassing, but not knowing the names of the icons on the beautiful naria note you and I utilize it every day isn’t that embarrassing?

Well, this article circles around interesting facts about the ₦1000 note and the iconic Nigerians engraved on it.

Interesting Facts About ₦ 1000 Naira Note ( One Thousand Naira )

The ₦1000 note, which is the highest denomination of Naria was released into the Nigeria economy on the 12th of October 2005.

The note engraves two former Central Bank Governors – Alhaji Aliyu Mai Bornu and Dr. Clement Isong. at the back of the note is the picture of Central Bank of Nigeria corporate Head Office in Abuja, Federal CapitalTerritory of Nigeria.

One Thousand Naira Note back


  1. IT HAS TWO PORTRAITS: THE ₦1000 note is the only currency in Nigeria to have the pictures of two great Nigerians – Alhaji Aliyu Mai Bornu and Dr. Clement Isong the first and second governors of the central bank of Nigeria. 
  2. MOST NIGERIANS DON’T LIKE SPENDING IT:  Most Nigerians find difficult to let go of N1000 note but rather spend 10 pieces of N100. They develop a tight fist in paying with ₦1000 note.
  3. THERE IS NO NAIRA SIGN ON IT: The naira sign (₦) is omitted from the ₦1000 note. Making it the only currency without the (₦) sign.
  4. IT HAS AN OPTICAL VARIABLE INK TRIANGLE: The ₦1000 note is the only note with an optical variable triangle on it.
  5. PUBLIC BUS DRIVERS DETEST IT: Just as a kid will frown when you turn off the TV if he is watching his favorite cartoon Programme, it is the same way public bus drivers frown when you pay with ₦1000 note, owing to the fact that they  Find it difficult to get change for it.



The two faces on the ₦1000 note are Alhaji Aliyu Mai Bornu and Dr. Clement Isong, both were the first and second indigenous Governors of the Central Bank of Nigeria.



Alhaji Aliyu Mai-Bornu was born in 1919 in Borno state. He was a banker, Economist, Seasoned teacher, Administrative officer and an honorable public servant. He died on the 23rd of February 1970.


  1. HE WAS THE  FIRST INDIGENOUS GOVERNOR OF CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA: Alhaji Aliyu Mai Bornu was the First indigenous Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria. 
  2. HE WORKED WITH A TOBACCO COMPANY: Alhaji Aliyu Mai Bornu held the position of the Director and General Manager of the Nigerian Tobacco Company (NTC) from 1967 to 1969.
  3. HE WAS A TEACHER: Alhaji Aliyu  Mai Bornu was an English teacher at Yola Middle School from 1942 – 1946.
  4. HIS WAS AWARDED A SCHOLARSHIP: Alhaji Aliyu Mai Bornu was very intelligent and was granted a government scholarship to travel abroad and studied Economics at Bristol University in the United Kingdom.
  5. HE WAS AN HEADMASTER: Alhaji Aliyu Mai Bornu was once appointed the headmaster of Yola middle school.



Dr. Clement Nyong Isong was born on the 20th of April 1920  in Eket, Akwa Ibom State. He was a banker, astute economist and politician. He died on the 20th of may 2000.



  1. HE WAS THE SECOND INDIGENOUS GOVERNOR OF CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA: Dr. Clement Isong was the second Nigerian to be appointed Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria. 
  2. HE WAS A GOVERNOR OF CROSS RIVER STATE: Clement Isong was the first civilian governor of Cross River State from 1979 – 1983.
  3. HE HAS A NATIONAL HONOUR: in 1982, Dr. Clement Isong was conferred with the national honour of the Commander of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. (CFR).
  4. HE WAS A LECTURER: Dr. Clement Isong once a lecturer at the University of Ibadan.He lectured in Banking and Economics.
  5. HE HAS A Ph.D.: Dr. Clement Isong obtained a Ph.D. in Economics from the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in the United States of America.

That’s all about ₦ 1000 NAIRA NOTE – Pictures, Interesting Facts & Name Of The Face On One Thousand Naira


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