OIL AND GAS TRAINING IN NIGERIA; Certification and Recruitment in Nigeria

The oil and gas sector is the fastest growing sector of the Nigerian economy as the country continues to rely on oil revenues to meet her needs. In the year 2010, it was reported that oil accounts for over 90% of Nigeria’s revenue. As such, crude oil production has always increased with the increase in government spending.

The oils and gas sector is also a choice employer for many a Nigerian youth. This is not far-fetched from the fact that the oil and gas sector is the best paying employer in the Nigerian job market. A job in the oil and gas sector means ‘total freedom from poverty’ as jobs in the oil and gas sector come with huge remunerations, bonus and other additional benefits like health insurance.

However, working in the oil and gas sector can be hazardous. The oil and gas industry makes use of many chemicals on its work sites as such, the workers are exposed to some of the dangerous effects of these chemicals. WorkSafe explains that oils and gas workers may develop occupational diseases of the lungs, skin, other organs and noise-induced hearing loss depending on the length of time the worker has worked in the industry. Again, there is always the danger of accidents such as uncontained gas flares, fires and mechanical faults in which untrained workers will be seriously injured or killed.

For the hazardous nature of this job, special training are being organized to keep workers informed on how to protect themselves on sites and how to respond in a case of an emergency or accident. Some of these training are centered on surviving the capsizing of boats and/or other offshore emergency.

Some of the oil and gas training in Nigeria include:

BIOSET Training:
BIOSET is an acronym for Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training. It is a training programme that was created specifically to provide introductory safety training and other basic survival training like emergency response training and risk assessment for employees that are new to offshore oil and gas business.

HSE training:
HSE is intended to make work environments the safest they can be consequently preventing thousands of avoidable mishaps and in turn, reducing the accidents that could occur in the work place.

NEBOSH training:
NEBOSH is the acronym for ‘the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health’. From the name, it is easy to decipher which niche they serve. They offer the most widely recognized health and safety qualification in the UK and in some of her former colonies.

Career assistance and skill training:

This is a continuous training that is intended to sharpen the skills of oil and gas professionals and keep them up-to-date with industry practices and changing methodology of his/her job.

So there you have the basic oil and gas training in Nigeria, Oil and Gas Training Certification. Got any question? Let’s interact in the comment section below. Also remember to like us on facebook @ facebook.com/9jaquest or follow us on twitter @ twitter.com/NaijaQuest
oil and gas training in Nigeria

tag: Oil and Gas Training in Nigeria, Certification and Recruitment in Nigeria


  1. I’m a mechanical engineering graduate from FUTA. I will to know how I can enroll for BIOSET and HSE. Thanks.

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