MTN Surprise Data Plan : Welcome Latest MTN Data Plans 3.75GB & 1.3GB

MTN Surprise Data Plan : Welcome Latest MTN Data Plans 3.75 GB & 1.3 GB

MTN recently introduced two interesting new data plans which are a little inviting and cheaper than most of their current plans, though its still expensive. We believed the reason for the introduction of these two new data plans by MTN is because of the recent loss of over 2.5 million customers, mtn is looking for a way to woo the customers back

So How Do You Subscribe To Mtn 3.75 GB Data Plan

Recharge Naira 2,000 on your phone, then text 101 to 131
The 2,000 Naira will be deducted and you will automatically receive your 3.75GB to browse on any device at anytime of the day.
Note: its valid for just 30 days

How Do You Subscribe To Mtn 1.3 GB Data Plan

To subscribe you need to load or have atleast1,000 Naira on your simcard as the plan cost 1,000 Naira.
Then send 106 to 131 through text message.
The 1,000 Naira will be deducted and you will be given 1.3 GB.
It works on all device including your browsing modem and its valid for just 30 days.

Though we beleive you may like the mtn daily unlimited plan, check it here

Interestingly, MtN has increased the Their MTNSurprise Data plus Phone Call Promo go here to read our updated post on it Full List of MTN Surprise Data Plan & Call Promo, How To Subscribe { Activation Code }

So friends, that’s it on ” MTN Surprise : Welcome MTN New Data Plans 3.75 GB & 1.3 GB ” share your thoughts and experience on these new MtN plans with us through the comment box and like us on facebook @ or follow us on twitter @ . Thanks


tags: mtn surprise data plan 1.3 GB , new latest mtn data plan 3.75 GB, mtn surpriseĀ 

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