There are lots of things to talk about the history of early childhood education in Nigeria and we have decided to give you this in full writing. Early childhood education is also known as ECCE and this refers to the development and care of children between 0 to 8 years old. A lot of exposure will be made in this article concerning this topic on the history of early childhood in Nigeria, so just read along.

Caring for young children has always been an integral part of society and EECE has taken it upon themselves to do just that. Not many children have the privilege to be cared for, many do not even know about it. Some kids are just given birth to no care, no education, which is not supposed to be so. In a developing society, care for the children is supposed to be a key factor, and educating them has always been an integral part of society.

All of this boils down to the 1990s when it all started in Nigeria and there have been constant ways to improve and make it available for all. All of these arrangements which you are seeing today have been taking places in other countries like Europe, North America, Brazil, China, and many other places and there has been the establishment of kindergartens and nursery schools which have served in a way of teaching the kids a lot from the infant stage.

History Of Early Childhood Education In Nigeria

Early education is considered to be very good, it is mostly called education at a smaller stage with lots of good things that will enable kids to learn well. You should know that children which are born are considered to be able to learn faster and this has proven well overtime though it has not been very easy for the young ones, it’s a good way of making them improve and making them learn well in the society.

Many parents are giving out more valid reasons for putting their young ones through school at an early age, this educational system was gotten from the white folks and this has been greatly monitored over time and very popular in Nigeria.  Kids who are being sent to school early have a higher chance of making things happen and they have benefited more than any other.

Major challenges many children face today is the unavailability of funding for them to start school at an early age, you cannot compare a child who started school from a younger age than a child who just started at the age of 7 or 8 there will be a major difference towards how their brains develop and many other things.

The History From The 1990s

The year 1990s opened a new page for the “Early Childhood Education” this got the United Nations involved and there have been several programs which were done to make sure that it was fully carried out in many countries and this includes Nigeria and this was discussed under the rights of the child,’

“Rights of the Child” refers to any human that is below the age of eighteen years of age and they have the right to receive education in schools. Children are being recognized as holders of rights to survival and development and this has been well stated, they are to be heard in decisions partaking them and there are also primary roles parents and guardians take in the upbringing of children.

The 21st century has come with lots of developments and lots of things about the right to the child.  Now many parents have seen the reason why it is necessary for their kids to attend school at an early stage and the positive influence which it has created for them overtime. Many parents are now keying into this idea and they have adopted it, many have even said it has made them taken jobs or even resume jobs when their kids are not up to age to leave at home, early school has made it possible for them to do that, as parents now appreciate this idea which has been created not only beneficial to the children but also to the parents.

There has been lots of relevance to early childhood development which are like improving maternal health, providing universal access to public health, and reducing the maternal mortality rate. The several developments which have been made in the 21st century have been said to be helpful as lots of things have been talked about through which has helped both mother and children.  This program and this initiative which has been established and made for ids have been so helpful and you are advised as parents to make sure your kids go to school in an early stage, know this as it will help you out in no time.

In conclusion, we have given you information on the Early Childhood Education in Nigeria and how it came into existence, this early childhood education has been helpful to both parents and children and they have made it possible so that the workload and workforce will reduce.

The history of childhood education started a long time ago in other countries and has expanded in so many countries.  In Nigeria, there have been positive impacts that have been said about this and have made it possible for many kids to be educated at an early stage, the rights of children have been talked about and how things can be made easier for them.


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