I updated the list of first bank exchange rates for dollars, euro, pounds, and other currencies.

I also answered questions regarding the current first bank exchange rate. We are going to provide you with the current exchange rates in British pounds, US dollars, and the Euro. This is because lots of Nigerians keep asking for these exchange rates and we have decided to answer this question once and for all.

First Bank Exchange Rates Today 2020 Dollar, Pounds, and Euro

 Currency  Rate 
 Dollar – USD  ₦ 395
 Pounds – GBP  ₦ 500
 Euro – EUR  ₦ 438
 CAD  ₦ 316
 INR  ₦ 5.80
 RUB  ₦ 6.20
 Nil  ₦
  • First Bank Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate is 430 Naira

This article is aimed at answering most questions people frequently ask about the first bank exchange rate today. Questions like what is First bank dollar to Naira exchange rate today? What is First bank exchange rate today, first bank Mastercard exchange rate today, pounds, euro, and another foreign currency forex {FX}, etc? If you are amongst those asking any of the questions above or want to know more about the First Bank dollar to naira exchange rate today or pounds to Naira or euro to Naira, then this article is specially tailored to meet your needs.

First Bank Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today Pounds, and Euro

Knowing that most readers are eager to get straight to the point we have stripped this article bare and filled it with only information we believe will help you. If you are an expert in the foreign exchange business for long, you might want to skip some parts and check the exchange rate below, however, if you want more knowledge about the first bank exchange rate then you might want to read this post to the end. We have included some major points like how to convert from one currency to another, why the exchange rate is not fixed, and as well as who should always strive to be up to date with the current exchange rates.

We want to make this article very straightforward and informative so we won’t bother you with unnecessary details, however before we move on to the rates let’s discuss a little more about how the FBN exchange rates work so that you can have a deeper understanding of it and be on the safer side when trading- after all knowledge is power.

  • First Bank Exchange Rate fluctuates

The First Bank Exchange rate fluctuates like all other banks’ rates. This is because the exchange rate is subject to the forces of demand and supply.

  • How the bank determines its exchange rates

First Bank buys foreign currency from the Central Bank of Nigeria at the current international rate but to make a profit, it sells the foreign currency to the local market at a price slightly lower than that of the black market. This is to ensure that buyers of foreign currency go to the institution first before trying the Black Market.

  • How To Convert From Foreign Currency To Naira

To convert from foreign currency simply multiply the rate by the amount in foreign currency. For example, if you want to convert the US $200 to Naira

When the exchange rate is $1=N200

Then you’ll have to multiply the amount in dollars by the exchange rate

That is
$200 x 100 =N200,000.

  • How To Convert From Naira To Foreign Currency

To convert from Naira to foreign currency, you’ll have to divide the amount of money you have in Naira by the exchange rate.

For example: let’s say you have N200,000 and the exchange rate of US dollars is $1=100 then to know your amount of dollars simply

Divide the Amount in Naira/exchange rate.
That is
N200,000/100 =$2000.

You can follow the above conversion tips to convert from any of the currency to Naira and from Naira to any of the other currencies. However, note that the rate used in the examples above may not be the actual exchange rate. The exchange rate changes all the time and you are advised to bookmark this page as we’ll continue updating it daily to keep you updated on the current rates.


  • Who is the exchange rate important for?

If you shop online with your Mastercard, visa, or even verve card then it might interest you to know the various exchange rates of foreign currency to the local currency of your bank. This is because when you shop from online stores that charge their customers in foreign currency, your bank will have to charge your card which is in local currency the amount quoted by your online store in the foreign currency. To do this they will have to do a conversion using the current exchange rate which in most cases is subject to the forces of demand and supply.

The exchange rate is not only important for those who shop online but even for traders of forex, foreign investors, and for the curious. Buying of currency is very popular now in Nigeria and if you are about to embark on the journey of buying and selling currency it will be wise of you to arm yourself with the variety of exchange rates of different banks. This is because when you buy foreign currency at a lower price you can sell at higher prices and make a profit but with poor knowledge of exchange rates, you might buy currency at higher prices and sell at lower prices resulting in loss of your hard-earned money.

Also if you are a freelancer working on any of those foreign websites like Fiverr, people per hour, Elance, Amazon, Clickbank, Iwriter, etc where they pay workers in foreign currency, you might want to stay up-to-date with the exchange rate. This is because when you are paid in foreign currency, you will have to change it into your local currency in order to use it in your country. To change it, you’ll most likely buy your local currency with the foreign currency in your account from private traders and you’ll have to look for persons giving the highest amount in order for you to make gains. To determine this you will need to have previous knowledge of exchange rates.

Either you are curious or in business, it doesn’t matter and it is quite important that each and every one of us are armed with the knowledge of foreign exchange rates to our local currency.

So there you have it: the first bank exchange rates for US dollars to Naira, pounds to Naira, and euro to Naira. We hope this has been of help to you. Please let us hear your thoughts and questions through the comments section.

That’s all on first bank dollar to naira exchange rate today.


Tags: First Bank Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate, First Bank Exchange Rate Today

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