Aliko Dangote Private Jet : CheckOut D Pics Here

Check Out Cool Images of Alhaji Aliko Dangote’s Private Jets

Note this are pictures of similar types of Alhaji Aliko dangote private jet not his exact own –  ok now that I got that out, let’s enjoy the post and tell me if you won’t love to in such wonderful jets.

Firstly Who is Alhaji Aliko Dangote GCON : Nigerian billionaire, the Dangote group boss is the richest man in Africa { according to Forbes } net worth of 14.9 billion dollars. Born on April 10, 1957, He is a father of four children, chairman and CEO of Dangote Group which operates in up to 10 different African countries { Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, and Zambia }.

Alhaji Aliko Dangote Private Jet Cost and Numbers

  • Dangote has 2 Bombadier jets,
  • No of jets: 2
  • Bombardier Global:N8 billion
  • Bombardier Express: N7. 25 billion
  • Maintenance fee: N150 million
  • = Total: N15.3 billion

So you ask what does Alhaji Aliko Dangote’s jet looks like ?, well below is the pics of a bombardier global express.

Bombardier Global Express

Now let’s check out the Africa’s richect man inside his jet, smiling …

Dangot Group Boss

dangote group boss

Here too

D Main Interior

What about the pilot Interior ?, we ‘ve got you covered

What Dangote’s Jet – Pilot Interior Look’s Like

This post won’t be complete, if we do not show you what’s possible with a customized bombardier global express jet.

Cool Eh! Hmmn interesting

aliko dangote private jet bombadier global express.jpg

There you have it for ” Alhaji Aliko Dangote Private Jet : CheckOut D Pics Here “, share your thoughts and suggestions with us through the comment box and like us on facebook @ or twitter @ Thanks


tags: Aliko dangote private jet , GCON full meaning – Grand Commander of Naija

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