Is Canada A First World Country?

The second largest country in the world, Canada is a well organized and prosperous country in deed. A former British Colony, Canada shares an extensive border with the United States leading to cultural and economic similarities. Canada has a prosperous and diversified economy; it has vast natural resources, incredible human resources, and a society that allows people of talent to thrive.

Canada is one of the most sought after places for investors and immigrants alike; job opportunities abound, and the society is liberal and welcoming. Canada ranks highly for everything; human development index, literacy rate, press freedom, and accumulation of wealth in private hands.

As for research and development of new technology, Canada is one of the most important hubs in the world.

Is Canada A First World Country?

Yes, by the old and new definitions of the phrase, Canada is a “First World” country. Many do not even know that there are two possible meanings of the somewhat outdated phrase. It is important to know the origins of the phrase, before discussing its present meaning, and then breaking down Canada’s worthiness to bear such a title.

The Origins Of “First World”   

The phrase “First World” was invented during the Cold War. The Cold War was a political and ideological war between the East and the West. The East supported Communism while the West supported Capitalism.

First World then meant countries that supported the US (the West, Capitalism) as it fought against the Soviet Union (the East, Communism).

Chief among the “First World” countries were USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Germany.

On the other side was the “Second World,” which meant countries on the side of the east, which was also known as the Communist Bloc.

Chief among the “Second World” were China, Russia, and Cuba.

Second World Countries gave fewer freedoms to their people, and their countries were somewhat militarized.

Is Canada A First World Country Today?

With the conclusion of the Cold War, the phrase “First World” was given a new meaning- one that suits Canada rather perfectly. Now it means “rich countries,” although most people use the more subtle alternatives like “industrialized countries,” or “developed countries.” Nevertheless, the bottom line is that these countries are rich, and their governments wield considerable influence over the world.

Other First World countries by this new economic meaning of the phrase include US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Italy and most of Western Europe.

Below First World

Other classifications include “Second World,” and “Third World.” These classifications reflect the levels of economic development in the countries they are assigned. Second World Countries are mostly in Eastern Europe, some parts of Asia, as well as South America.

Third World Countries mostly occupy Africa; especially sub Saharan Africa, with the exception of South Africa which is a developing country, with a diversified economy.

How Canada Merits Its “First World” Status

Very Good Governance Structure

Canada is a Commonwealth Realm; its Head of State is the Monarch of England. Canada was already pushing for independence from Britain at around 1867. Canada as a sovereign country was ratified in 1931.

Canada has a two chamber parliament; the House Of Commons, and the Senate. The Prime Minister is the administrative head of the government, although he does not hold absolute power; he depends on the confidence of the House of Commons.

The King of England is represented by the Governor General who has the authority to call up the Prime Minister. There is plenty of balance in the system of governance in Canada. These checks and balances protect the interests of the common people, and prevent the accumulation of power by any individual or set of individuals.

Canada has always had a successful transition from one government to another.

Canada Has A Super Economy

Canada has a great economy; its economy is the eight largest in the world, and is described as a highly developed mixed market economy. Canada’s economy is diversified; important sectors include energy, mining, forest products, manufacturing, retail commerce, construction and infrastructure, and services.

Canada is a hub for scientific discovery; the country has made so many contributions to the world in terms of medical research, space, and so on.

Science and technology are important sectors of the Canadian economy; renewable energy, unmanned flight, medical devices, and so on, all play important roles in the Canadian economy.

Canada has around 1,681,969 millionaires, and 53 billionaires. Canada has a GDP per capita of 51,987.94 USD; which means that citizens are able to spend more on luxuries; thus revving the economy.

Canada Has Low Corruption

Canada has very little corruption in its system; as a result it is very attractive for investors. Corruption is one of the factors that inhibit economic development; it makes it difficult to do business in a country.

Aside from the low perception of corruption; Canada ranks highly on the Human Development Index. Citizens are able to enjoy fulfilling work, and to retire to lives of ease and comfort. They are able to invest their earnings in homes, stocks, businesses, and so on, so as to allow them explore the country and travel elsewhere.

Canada has a high literacy rate. This means the people are able to contribute positively to the economy, the administration of the country, and public health and safety.

Canada Has Great Healthcare

Canada has an excellent healthcare system, which boosts life expectancy. The country has a publicly funded healthcare system which is called Medicare. The care is Universal, paid by the government, and accessible to all Canadians regardless of where in the country they live.

Of course there are also privately funded medicare options for people who work with private companies. The Canadian healthcare system showed its capacity and resourcefulness during the events of 2019/20 which shook many other healthcare systems around the world.



Canada is a First World country because it has attained the economic and infrastructural development. There are few countries in the world that can be said to be better than Canada when it comes to human development index, elimination of corruption, and stability of the economy. All these explain why Canada is highly sought after by migrants.