Top 5 Largest Cities in Nigeria

Hey dear, Sherif is here and today we are going to be discussing on the topic, ‘top 5 largest cities in Nigeria.’ The Nigerian cities just like other cities in other countries of the world do not features the same number of population, while some cities have high numbers of inhabitants with a high population density, some at the extreme end of the scales features relatively small numbers of people with a relative low density.

Today’s discussion as I earlier stated would focus on the largest cities in Nigeria so stay tuned and and await the article on the top smallest cities in Nigeria. As for now, keep reading as I unveil to you the Top 5 largest cities in Nigeria.


Lagos Island

This is the largest city in Nigeria and the second fastest growing city in Africa with an urban area extent of 907sqkm accommodation about a population of 7,682,953 people according to the census data of 2016. It had also been put forward by the Lagos State Government that the population had risen to a whooping sum of 17.5 millions in 2015, number a number that many had not yet come to term with – even the Nigerian Federal Government had not officially accepted it. If the current estimation is anything to go by, then Lagos is unarguably the largest city in Africa.


The ancient city of kano state inhabited by mostly the Hausa Language speaking group is unarguably the largest city in Northern Nigeria and the second largest city in Nigeria after Lagos. It urban area extent to about 137sqkm with a population of 2,163,225 occupying 6 Local Government Areas namely Kano Municipal, Fagge, Dala, Gwale, Tarauni and Nasrallah. It metropolitan area covers a vast land of 499sqkm with 2 more Local Government Areas which are Ungogo and Kumbotso inhabiting about 2,828,861 people according to the census data of 2016.


Also an ancient city, in Oyo State, taking the seat of the third largest city in Nigeria . It was Nigerian largest city and third in Africa as at the time of independence but had slipped down the scale to the third position due to changes in cultural, administrative, economic and other factors. It is occupied by about 1,338,659 people according to the census data of 2016. The recent estimation puts it at a population of 3.5 million.


Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria is the fourth most populous city in Nigeria . It seats at the centre of the country with a population of 776,298 as presented by the Nigerian Population Commission in 2006 but the recent estimation puts it at a whooping number of 3 millions. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as the migration into the city is at an alarming rate that it had even led to the emergence of satellite towns like Karl Urban Area, Suleja, Gwagwalada, Lugbe, Kuje etc.


This city is located in the eastern part of Nigeria. Port Harcourt is the capital of River State and reports from 2006 census shows it a city housing a human population of 1,382,592. of course this number had not remain the same as current estimation of it population is held as close to 2 million people and its the fifth largest city in Nigeria .

Note: If we rank the Largest city in Nigeria by landmass / size

The ranking will goes to;

  1. Niger 
  2. Borno
  3. Taraba 
  4. Kaduna 
  5. Bauchi 

We had come to the end of the topic, top 5 largest cities in Nigeria. I hope you enjoyed it? Drop your comments below as to what you think about this list and kindly like us on facebook @ or follow us twitter @ Thanks for reading


tags : top 5 largest cities in Nigeria , largest city in Nigeria by landmass , most populous city in Nigeria , Biggest city in Nigeria

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