Folorunsho Alakija Private Jet : CheckOut Details n Pics Here

Check Out The Details and Pictures of Folorunsho Alakija Private Jet

Folorunso Alakija is the richest woman in Nigeria , one of the richest female billionaire in Africa. According to forbes 2016 She’s worth an estimated amount ot $3.2 billion will business interest cutting across Real estate, fashion, oil and exploration etc. Folorunsho Alakija Private Jet. Folorunso is the founder of Famfa Oil.

Hailed from Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria and born in the year 1951. Folorunso is currently the second richest woman in Africa after Isabel dos Santos and the third richest woman of african decent.

Exterior of a bombadier global express xrs

Folorunsho Alakija Private jet is a Bombadier Global Express XRS, which is worth a total sum of 46 Million dollars.

cock pit of a bombadier global express

and here is the interior

Interior of a Bombadier Global Express XRS


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tags: folorunsho alakija private jet , richest black woman in  the world , richest woman in Nigeria , black weman , folorunso modupe alakija

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